Jakarta Institute of The Arts International Seminar on Arts, Artificial Intelligence, and Society “Redefining Art and Creativity in The Domination of Artificial Intelligence in 21st Century and Beyond”















Judul Buku : Jakarta Institute of The Arts International Seminar on  Arts, Artificial   Intelligence, and Society “Redefining Art and Creativity in  The  Domination of Artificial  Intelligence in 21st Century and Beyond”
Kepengarangan : Gunalan Nadarajan, Jeonghyo Joo, Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit, Aone van Engelenhoven, Romain FOHR, Martin Suryajaya, Dr. Indah Tjahjawulan, M.Sn, Yudi Amboro, Fathimah Azzahrah, Nauval Fahreza,  Paulista Surjadi, Evi Thelia Sari, Yoga Adhi Agista & Taufik Murtono, Rina Yanti Harahap, Aryani Widyakusuma, Muhammad Naufal Ashshiddieqi, Muhammad Abdurrasyid Ridlo, Denta Mandra Pradipta Budiastomo, Puji Rahayu, Sunarmi, Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta, Ardy Firman Syah; Muhammad Sultan Aminudin; Nadia Salsabila, Dani Ihwan Rizqi, Tri Aru Wiratno, Tane Andrea Hadiyantono dan Emira Anjani, Yofita Sandra, Anggun Anugrah, Eliya Pebriyeni, Dzulfiqar Fickri Rosyid, Tiara Khodijah, Viar Dwi Kartika, Catur Insan Cendekia, Ine Rachmawati, Suhadi Parman, Yuni Awalaturrohmah Solihah, Saut Irianto Manik, Annisa Putri Cinderakasih.
Penulis/Penyusun : Gunalan Nadarajan, Jeonghyo Joo, Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit, Aone van Engelenhoven, Romain FOHR, Martin Suryajaya, Dr. Indah Tjahjawulan, M.Sn, Yudi Amboro, Fathimah Azzahrah, Nauval Fahreza,  Paulista Surjadi, Evi Thelia Sari, Yoga Adhi Agista & Taufik Murtono, Rina Yanti Harahap, Aryani Widyakusuma, Muhammad Naufal Ashshiddieqi, Muhammad Abdurrasyid Ridlo, Denta Mandra Pradipta Budiastomo, Puji Rahayu, Sunarmi, Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta, Ardy Firman Syah; Muhammad Sultan Aminudin; Nadia Salsabila, Dani Ihwan Rizqi, Tri Aru Wiratno, Tane Andrea Hadiyantono dan Emira Anjani, Yofita Sandra, Anggun Anugrah, Eliya Pebriyeni, Dzulfiqar Fickri Rosyid, Tiara Khodijah, Viar Dwi Kartika, Catur Insan Cendekia, Ine Rachmawati, Suhadi Parman, Yuni Awalaturrohmah Solihah, Saut Irianto Manik, Annisa Putri Cinderakasih.
Editor/Penyunting : Dr. Iwan Gunawan, S.Sn., M.Si; Dr. Sonya Sondakh, SS., M.Sn.
Desain Cover : Dita Rachma Sari, M.Sn; Norman Adhy Maulana, M.Ds.
Layout : Dita Rachma Sari, M.Sn; Norman Adhy Maulana, M.Ds.
Sinopsis : These two days we are going to discuss about Arts, Artificial Intelligence and

Society. Why is it so important to talk about these three issues? We are certainly

on the same page that Arts Schools have so much to do with Creativity, which

is central of being human. However, the introduction of AI in our world has

impacted us, especially the artists. As we are aware, Artificial Intelligence has

developed to the extent that we never think of and imagine there is such thing in

our world. Given the situation of AI in our lives, as Art School we feel that there

is a great urgency to discuss Arts, AI and Society seriously. We have to think

deeply and discuss it seriously to answer these following questions:

“What is going to happen to human (aka artists) when even art

works are created by machine.”

“What will happen to the society at large when the artists are

dominated by Artificial Intelligence?”

“What is going to happen to human life?”

“Are we ready to operate in the AI-dominated world?”

Realising that AI has both advantageous and disadvantageous relating to

human future, what can we do now before all the concerns become a real

threat. Hopefully, this seminar will contribute something in the realm of Arts, AI

and Society. To discuss this important issue, this seminar is deeply honoured

to have six notable speakers from Michigan University, US; Dr. Jeonghyeon Joo

(Korea), Prof. Dr. Richardus Eko Indrajit (Pradita University, Jakarta; Dr. Aone

Van Engelenhoven (Leiden University), Dr. Romain Fohr (Université Sorbone

Nouvelle, Paris), Dr. Martin Suryajaya (Jakarta Institute of the Arts).

To these great speakers, Jakarta Institute of the Arts would like to express our

appreciation and thankfulness.

Other than that, I would like also to thank ALL THE PRESENTERS that will

discuss their paper on the proposed themes.

Have a vigorous discussion and a pleasant online seminar.

May we all be blessed with good knowledge and kind attitude towards fellow

academicians and artists.

Distributor : IKJ Press
Link Katalog Penerbit :https://lppm.ikj.ac.id/jakarta-institute-of-the-arts-international-seminar-on-arts-artificial-intelligence-and-society-redefining-art-and-creativity-in-the-domination-of-artificial-intelligence-in-21st-century/
Edisi : –
Seri : –
Tahun : 2024
Ukuran Buku

(tinggi buku)

: (15.5 x 23 cm)
Jumlah Halaman : …. halaman
Keterangan isi : Berwarna
Bahasa : Terjemahan
Jenis pustaka : Non Fiksi
Kelompok Pembaca : Semua Umur
Jenis Cover : Soft copy
Media luaran No.ISBN : PDF
Terbitan : Perguruan Tinggi
Jenis : Penelitian
Kategori : Lepas (Prosiding)

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